Thursday, February 25, 2016

Article of the Week

       This week's article is entitle,"High school students threatened with suspension for wearing natural hair." In the article it explains that the principal of C.R. Walker Senior High School, in the Bahamas, allegedly told her students that their hair was "untidy" and "unprofessional." She also ordered the girls to get a relaxer before coming in to school the next day. The parents were very furious and shared their frustration online and one of the students started a movement called #support the puff. This article is significant in the world today because it shows that people can not even be themselves at school. These girls are being to that they can not wear the hair that they were born with without being threatened with suspension. Teachers and educators should be encouraging students to accept who they are and not try to change them. I do not believe that you should threaten to suspend someone for wearing their hair in a certain style. The principal claims that the hair is untidy, but in the article it shares pictures of the girls with tidy natural hair. It seems that the principal is just picking at these girls and does not have a strong enough argument to suspend them. Hopefully these girl keep fighting for what is right and overcome this sense of discrimination.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Article of the Week

            The article that I chose for this week is entitled, "The real whistle-blower in police brutality." This article explains that smartphones have shed a light on the public on the police brutality towards the African American race and not the American justice system. The black race itself did not realize how bad things were until videos were shown of police officers being aggressive with unarmed individuals. The Guardian shares that 32% of African-Americans killed were unarmed while 15% of Whites and 25% of Latinos did not have weapons. The article does not bash police officers themselves but shares that some police officers need to be trained more before going out on the job. The killing of innocent black men and women like Sandra Bland and Eric Gardner needs to stop immediately. Every life is precious, and everyone should be punished for their actions. The lives of many individuals have been taken for no good reason. Police officers should be able to be the bigger person even if a citizen has a bad attitude and not resort to killing individuals. This topic is very significant in this world today because the aggressiveness toward the black race shows a sense of racism. Martin Luther King Jr. fought to see us live without having to go through life being treated differently than other races. We should all be treated equal. Black lives do matter.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Article of the Week


                The article that I chose for this week is, "Can Twitter's New 'Trust & Safety Council Curb Online Abuse? "  In this article, Twitter shares that the formation of the Twitter Safety and Trust Council will serve as an advisory for daily tweets. Creators of Twitter share that  this site is for speaking the truth, but users have used Twitter for abusing and cyberbullying. Failure to address these problems has led to threats of rape and killing, so the development of this council is a good idea. Social media websites can either impact someone positively or negatively and most of the time social media affects someone negatively. Trust and Safety Council should be organized for several sites to provide safety and peace of mind. There is always going to be that one person who wants to put someone down and make them feel unworthy and unsafe, but with this council, many lives can be saved. This article is significant because many teens struggle with being bullied online and feeling unsafe. Sometimes, teens resort to killing themselves, after viewing their profiles or timelines on social media. With this council, it will provide safety and it will also help save young lives.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Article of the Week

                 This week I chose an article titled, "Wife Crashes her own funeral, horrifying her husband, who paid to have her killed." In this week's article, Writer Sarah Kaplan, of the "Washington Post," shares that a woman sat in her car, outside of her home in Melbourne, Australia, watching mourners leave from her funeral when she confronted her husband. The woman says that when her husband saw her, he thought that she was a ghost. After he realized that she had not been killed, but was still alive, Noela Rokunda, his wife, called for the authorities to take her husband away. The husband confessed that he paid individuals to kill his wife and he was sentenced to 9 years in prison for attempted murder. Rokunda says that her husband tried to kill her because he thought she was leaving him for another man. She admits that she knew her husband was violent, but she never thought he would kill her. The men that were paid to kill Rokunda said that they did not kill woman and children and sent her on her way after they were paid by her husband. She says that she will find a new place to live and eventually marry again. I chose this article because it brings up a serious matter that no one is really safe in the world that we live in. The only question that I have is, were the men who were paid to kill his wife arrested also? In the article it only shares that the husband was arrested for his wrong doing. This article also shows that criminals of today do not receive the sentences that they deserve. This man paid money for his wife to be killed because he thought she would leave him. He was only thinking about himself, and not the lives of others. This article is a good example of showing that you can never get away with wrong doing. The law will catch up with you sooner or later.