Saturday, April 23, 2016

Article of the Week

                 This week's article is entitled, " Teens Sexual Assault Survivors Felt Isolated and Alone. Now They're Uniting to Protect Others,"talks about how rape victims come together to form a program to help teens girls. Four girls from different parts of the country dealt with similar haunting stories about being physically assaulted. The four girls all dealt with feeling alone and unloved, but now they have come together and formed a program to inform students about rape and assault. The program is called Safe Bae and this program is formed to allow students to inform others about sexual violence and assault in their schools. This article is significant because these four girls turned their negative situation into something positive. They are informing students about sexual harassment and violence to make sure that what was done to them does not happen to anyone else.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Article of the Week

       This week's article is entitled,"Death by Selfie." The article shares that more people have been killed taking a selfie than by shark attacks in the past year. Some deaths have been caused by photo-takers falling off cliffs, crashing cars, being hit by trains, and shooting themselves while posing with guns. These events have gotten so bad that countries have banned the use of selfie taking like Mumbai and Pamplona. This article is significant in today's society because people are killing themselves to get the "perfect" picture. They are willing to risk their lives and the lives of others to save that one epic moment. No selfie or photo is that important to put your life in danger. It is very baffling to see that individuals don't realize how foolish their decisions can be. It is okay to take a nice selfie, but when people are dying just to get the coolest pic, a selfie is not worth it.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

article of the week

           This week's article is entitled, "Sleepy Teens Are More Likey to Engage in Risky Behavior." A new study now suggests that teens who do not get enough rest tend to do risky things that will cause injuries. 500,000 high school students were surveyed and some of the choices that these teens made were: texting while driving, not wearing a helmet when on a bicycle, not wearing a seatbelt, and riding in a car with a person who is drinking and driving. The results from the survey showed that these teens only got 7 hours or less sleep while teens who got 8-10 hours did not engage in such risky behavior. The National Sleep Foundation says in order for teens to get enough rest, electronics need to be removed from the bedrooms and the Center for Disease Control suggests that you should go to bed and wake up at the same time each day. This article is very significant because every hour of the day a young person gets into an accident because they did not make the right decision. Studies have now shown that insufficient rest is a big factor in making these risky decisions. We should be promoting getting enough rest to teens today in order to prevent them from potentially losing their life at the wrong time. This study shows that it is important to get enough rest. Not getting enough sleep can be fatal to an individual.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Article of the Week

             This week's article entitled, "Bomb blast in Pakistan park kills at least 60 people," informs us that families celebrating Easter Sunday were attacked by the Taliban. The Taliban deliberately attacked Christians and warned of following with more attacks. More than 60 people were killed and at least, 300 were injured from the explosion. The police attendant shares that women and children were mostly killed. This article is very significant because Christians are still being persecuted because of their beliefs, especially in other countries. Theses people in Pakistan do not have freedom of speech and freedom of religion. Innocent women and children died because of individuals who discriminate against a certain group of individuals. The sad thing is, the persecution of Christians is not stopping. The lives of innocent individuals are a stake. People of America are fortunate enough to have freedom of religion. We are allowed to believe whatever we want to believe. We can celebrate Easter Sunday without any trouble. We are very fortunate, as Americans, to have this freedom. This is  my article of the week.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Article of the Week

          For this week's article, "She wanted to be a cop until a cop did this," the city of La Cruces ,N.M. finally agrees to pay 3 million dollars to settle a lawsuit brought by a woman who was sexually assaulted by a police detective. The woman was working as a high school intern for the department. aspiring to be a detective herself.  The police detective took Diana Guerrero along with him to visit a crime scene in 2011. Instead of taking Guerrero directly back to the station, he took another route and stopped at a secluded area and raped her. Diana Guerrero never thought that someone in a badge would be capable of doing this. She no longer dreams of becoming a police detective after this incident. The ironic thing about this is that detective, who was sentenced to 9 years in prison, was assigned to a unit that focused on child abuse and sex crime. The significance of this article is that you can never be so sure about someone who is in uniform. This article shows that even the individuals who fight crime are capable of committing a crime. This police detective caused  this young intern to abandon her dream of becoming a detective. This article shows us that you can never be so sure about the people you are in company with.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Article of the Week

                This week's article is entitled,"Teacher spends two days as a student and is shocked               at what she learns." In this article, a high school learning coach spends to days shadowing  two students,  a sophomore and senior. On the first day, the teacher did the work of the sophomore and spent the day as a student. The next day, the teacher spent the day shadowing a senior. After living as a student for two days, the teacher realized that students do not have it that easy. The student also has a large workload and the students mainly sit at their desks all day. This learning coach realized that the changes that she made prior to her experience were not helpful to the student. This article is significant because every teacher and educator should take the time to go one day as a student. Many teachers don't realize how stressful high school is for students. Teachers get to see the students point of view. I believe that this will change the teachers planning for each subject. They will know what works and what does not work. If every teacher took the time to shadow a student, the learning experience for the student would change dramatically. This is my article of the week.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Article Of the Week


              In this week's article, ''Mom guilty in 16-months-old son's death from Benadryl," explains how a mom is facing life in prison for killing her 2 year old son with an overdose of Benadryl. In the article, Elizabeth Long, mother of Lucas Long, claims that she because of her many medical prescriptions she was abusive to her son. Investigators found that Lukas was given 10 times the amount that a normal dose would produce. This article is very significant because mothers of today do not even care for their children. This woman was abusive to her son, and because she wanted her son to be quiet, she gave him medicine for sickness to quiet him down. Instead of having peace and quiet temporarily, she got it for good. Mothers of today deliberately harm and kill their babies because they do not want them. There is no good excuse for harming of killing your child. I believe that if you do not plan on getting pregnant, you should not be having sexual relations with someone. Being a mother involves great responsibility. It is not just about your well-being but also for the well-being of your child. These days, moms don't even care what happens to their children. This madness has got to stop. We as a people must come together and make sure that the children of tomorrow are in good hands. No child should suffer because of their parents, let alone be murdered. 

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Article of the Week

       This week's article is entitle,"High school students threatened with suspension for wearing natural hair." In the article it explains that the principal of C.R. Walker Senior High School, in the Bahamas, allegedly told her students that their hair was "untidy" and "unprofessional." She also ordered the girls to get a relaxer before coming in to school the next day. The parents were very furious and shared their frustration online and one of the students started a movement called #support the puff. This article is significant in the world today because it shows that people can not even be themselves at school. These girls are being to that they can not wear the hair that they were born with without being threatened with suspension. Teachers and educators should be encouraging students to accept who they are and not try to change them. I do not believe that you should threaten to suspend someone for wearing their hair in a certain style. The principal claims that the hair is untidy, but in the article it shares pictures of the girls with tidy natural hair. It seems that the principal is just picking at these girls and does not have a strong enough argument to suspend them. Hopefully these girl keep fighting for what is right and overcome this sense of discrimination.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Article of the Week

            The article that I chose for this week is entitled, "The real whistle-blower in police brutality." This article explains that smartphones have shed a light on the public on the police brutality towards the African American race and not the American justice system. The black race itself did not realize how bad things were until videos were shown of police officers being aggressive with unarmed individuals. The Guardian shares that 32% of African-Americans killed were unarmed while 15% of Whites and 25% of Latinos did not have weapons. The article does not bash police officers themselves but shares that some police officers need to be trained more before going out on the job. The killing of innocent black men and women like Sandra Bland and Eric Gardner needs to stop immediately. Every life is precious, and everyone should be punished for their actions. The lives of many individuals have been taken for no good reason. Police officers should be able to be the bigger person even if a citizen has a bad attitude and not resort to killing individuals. This topic is very significant in this world today because the aggressiveness toward the black race shows a sense of racism. Martin Luther King Jr. fought to see us live without having to go through life being treated differently than other races. We should all be treated equal. Black lives do matter.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Article of the Week


                The article that I chose for this week is, "Can Twitter's New 'Trust & Safety Council Curb Online Abuse? "  In this article, Twitter shares that the formation of the Twitter Safety and Trust Council will serve as an advisory for daily tweets. Creators of Twitter share that  this site is for speaking the truth, but users have used Twitter for abusing and cyberbullying. Failure to address these problems has led to threats of rape and killing, so the development of this council is a good idea. Social media websites can either impact someone positively or negatively and most of the time social media affects someone negatively. Trust and Safety Council should be organized for several sites to provide safety and peace of mind. There is always going to be that one person who wants to put someone down and make them feel unworthy and unsafe, but with this council, many lives can be saved. This article is significant because many teens struggle with being bullied online and feeling unsafe. Sometimes, teens resort to killing themselves, after viewing their profiles or timelines on social media. With this council, it will provide safety and it will also help save young lives.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Article of the Week

                 This week I chose an article titled, "Wife Crashes her own funeral, horrifying her husband, who paid to have her killed." In this week's article, Writer Sarah Kaplan, of the "Washington Post," shares that a woman sat in her car, outside of her home in Melbourne, Australia, watching mourners leave from her funeral when she confronted her husband. The woman says that when her husband saw her, he thought that she was a ghost. After he realized that she had not been killed, but was still alive, Noela Rokunda, his wife, called for the authorities to take her husband away. The husband confessed that he paid individuals to kill his wife and he was sentenced to 9 years in prison for attempted murder. Rokunda says that her husband tried to kill her because he thought she was leaving him for another man. She admits that she knew her husband was violent, but she never thought he would kill her. The men that were paid to kill Rokunda said that they did not kill woman and children and sent her on her way after they were paid by her husband. She says that she will find a new place to live and eventually marry again. I chose this article because it brings up a serious matter that no one is really safe in the world that we live in. The only question that I have is, were the men who were paid to kill his wife arrested also? In the article it only shares that the husband was arrested for his wrong doing. This article also shows that criminals of today do not receive the sentences that they deserve. This man paid money for his wife to be killed because he thought she would leave him. He was only thinking about himself, and not the lives of others. This article is a good example of showing that you can never get away with wrong doing. The law will catch up with you sooner or later. 

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Article of the Week

                                      How Self-Driving Cars Will Change the Economy

        This week's article focuses on the creating of self-driving cars. There have been google self-driving vehicles that have already made the 700,000 mile mark without any incident and auto manufacturers, including Audi and Mercedes Benz prototypes. The writer let's us know that even though there are various prototypes, these cars still require a controlled environment compared to navigating traffic in a large city such as New York. I chose this particular article because this type of advanced technology will change the way people travel from day to day. If this technology really comes to pass, people will be able to text in their vehicles without getting in any accidents. They can eat their breakfast without worrying about spilling something in the vehicle because they wont be the ones driving. The McKinsey report believes that self-driving cars will reduce traffic and accident related issues. McKinsey envisions a 90 percent decrease in accidents, saving the United States with $180 billion, just from repair and healthcare bills. If this technology comes to pass, the year 2020 holds a bright future for humanity.


Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Article of the week


     Title: How the people of Flint, Michigan ended up with contaminated drinking water

         This week's article deals with the contamination of Flint, Michigan's tap water. It is reported that ever since the state decided to switch from the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department to the Flint River in April 2014, residents have been complaining about the taste, color, and effects of the water. It wasn't until October 2015 that reports of increase in lead-in-blood levels among residents, particulary in children. The problem is that there has been little action taken in this matter. Residents can not bathe in the tap water without getting rashes or cook with the water. Bottles of water are now being donated to the city because of this crisis. I chose this article because this matter effects the well-being and health of huma beings. If not taken care of quickly, this contamination could spread to other areas in the state. This article is significant because this matter affects not only the city, but the nation. I'm hoping that this problem will be solved quickly and the city of Flint will be able to go back to their lives with fresh, uncontaminated water.


Thursday, January 14, 2016

Article of the Week

 Title: Philadelphia police: Man who tried to kill officer
 pledged allegiance to the Islamic State

         The article of this week is about a Philadelphia police officer who was almost assasinated by an attacker on Thursday night in Philadelphia. The attacker was firing a stolen gun without the police officer's knowledge of his existence near the car, and the gunman shot at the officer multiple times. The officer was hit three times in his left arm, which was broken and in "significant damage." The attacker was taken in to custody and confessed to commiting the crime in the name of Islam. I chose this article because terroism and ISIS is becoming a huge problem nationwide. This unfortunate incident shows that terroism is still alive and ISIS is building a dangerous army. The law enforcers, put in place to protect society, are being attacked. Innocent people are losing their lives because of many attackers like the one in this article are following in the footsteps of the dangerous organization the we of as ISIS. This is becoming a big problem that needs to be taken care of in order for the safety of the world and our community.