Saturday, April 9, 2016

article of the week

           This week's article is entitled, "Sleepy Teens Are More Likey to Engage in Risky Behavior." A new study now suggests that teens who do not get enough rest tend to do risky things that will cause injuries. 500,000 high school students were surveyed and some of the choices that these teens made were: texting while driving, not wearing a helmet when on a bicycle, not wearing a seatbelt, and riding in a car with a person who is drinking and driving. The results from the survey showed that these teens only got 7 hours or less sleep while teens who got 8-10 hours did not engage in such risky behavior. The National Sleep Foundation says in order for teens to get enough rest, electronics need to be removed from the bedrooms and the Center for Disease Control suggests that you should go to bed and wake up at the same time each day. This article is very significant because every hour of the day a young person gets into an accident because they did not make the right decision. Studies have now shown that insufficient rest is a big factor in making these risky decisions. We should be promoting getting enough rest to teens today in order to prevent them from potentially losing their life at the wrong time. This study shows that it is important to get enough rest. Not getting enough sleep can be fatal to an individual.

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